Author Archives: CAMRA Victoria

Saturday Bottle Share Reminder

Category : News
** Reminder….. ———————————————————— Hey CAMRA Members and Craft Beer Enthusiasts,
This is just a friendly reminder about our next CAMRA Victoria members event coming up this Saturday, February 23rd.
We’ll be having a bottle share at Treasurer Nathan Say’s house, located at 953 Falaise Crescent, just off Royal Oak Drive and near Broadmead Village Shopping Center and the Royal Oak transit exchange, (map location here ( Falaise Crescent, Victoria, BC V8Y 1A2 .) Scheduled start time will be 7pm.
The Say’s will provide snacks for the members, while we ask everyone attending to bring some unique beers to share, (doesn’t matter what format….. bomber, crowler/growler/grumbler etc…, homebrew, whichever.) The goal is to bring styles and types that many otherwise either haven’t had before or in quite sometime.
While snacks will be provided, we do recommend that members eat dinner before attending. Also, like every event, we ask everyone to plan a safe ride to and from the event.
Hope to See You All There. Facebook ( Twitter ( Website (
============================================================ Copyright © 2019 CAMRA BC – Victoria Branch, All rights reserved. You are receiving this email because you opted in at our website.
Our mailing address is: CAMRA BC – Victoria Branch Box 30101 – Saanich Center Postal Outlet 3943 C Quadra St Victoria, British Columbia V8X 1J5 Canada ** unsubscribe from this list ( ** update subscription preferences ( Email Marketing Powered by Mailchimp

CAMRA BC AGM Information

Category : News
** Reminder….. ———————————————————— Hey CAMRA Members and Craft Beer Enthusiasts,
One final email….. this time regarding the upcoming CAMRA BC AGM taking place here in Victoria on Sunday March 10th. Please read over these articles, courtesy of CAMRA BC President Paddy Treavor and Secretary Glen Stusek.
Click this link ( to see the full information about the AGM on our website, including the links to the 2018 Bylaws and Constitution.
Dear CAMRA BC Members, Victoria Branch
On behalf of the current executive of the Campaign for Real Ale Society of British Columbia (CAMRA BC), we are putting out a call for any proposed bylaw changes to be discussed and voted on at the Annual General meeting, to be held March 10, 2019 (x-apple-data-detectors://0) , from 1500 to 1630 hours (3 pm to 4:30 pm (x-apple-data-detectors://1) ) Pacific Standard Time (PST), at Argyle Attic, 777 Courtney Street, Victoria, British Columbia. (x-apple-data-detectors://2)
The Bylaws as approved at the Special General Meeting in November 2018 are available on the CAMRA BC website (see Bylaws), and a copy is also attached to this email(see above). At the November Special General Meeting, changes were also approved to the Constitution; the revised Constitution (see above attached) will be filed with the Society Office following completion of the Annual General Meeting (Constitution changes could not be made as part of the Transition Submission in November, so they have been deferred until the annual report is filed after the AGM).
Any proposed changes to the current Bylaws and Constitution for the Campaign for Real Society of British Columbia should be submitted, by email, to the ( no later than February 20, 2019, 1159 PM (x-apple-data-detectors://4) PST (x-apple-data-detectors://4) .
Proposed changes will be circulated, by email, for members to review and such proposals will be discussed and voted on at the AGM, by a show of hands. A vote of 66% must be achieved at the AGM for the proposal to pass.

CAMRA Victoria Swag Design Contest

Category : News
** Reminder….. ———————————————————— Hey CAMRA Members and Craft Beer Enthusiasts,
Our Marketing and Merch Director Lisa Troy has an exciting opportunity for you. Read her message below to see what she’s offering:
Love craft beer? So do we!
Artistic? We’re not!
CAMRA BC Victoria Branch is in need of some new swag so we are putting it out to you folks to submit your designs for new t-shirts. Please share with all the artistic people you know as anyone can win this contest!
We are also all ears for other swag items you’d love to rock to show your love for craft beer.
I guess we can’t call it a contest without winning something so winner(s) gets a copy of their winning design/idea.
Deadline is as soon as we fall in love with a design.
Send all ideas and designs to (
We do ask all individuals that, if you are to submit a design, to please keep it tasteful and respectful of CAMRA and what we represent. Obviously we want you to have fun with this golden opportunity, and are excited to see everyone’s creative side, but do ask to abide by the above requests.
Thank you, Cheers, and Good Luck!
(Also, it’s been brought to my attention that I incorrectly mentioned the location of Nathan Say’s house for the upcoming Bottle Share night on February 23rd. They are actually located across from Broadmead Village Shopping Center, not Royal Oak as I had previously included. Thank you to the individual that emailed me about that.) Facebook ( Twitter ( Website (
============================================================ Copyright © 2019 CAMRA BC – Victoria Branch, All rights reserved. You are receiving this email because you opted in at our website.
Our mailing address is: CAMRA BC – Victoria Branch Box 30101 – Saanich Center Postal Outlet 3943 C Quadra St Victoria, British Columbia V8X 1J5 Canada ** unsubscribe from this list ( ** update subscription preferences ( Email Marketing Powered by Mailchimp

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